In the near several years, the author uses Wumai capsules to treat 20 cases of cough caused by deficiency of lung, reversed flow of qi and lack of phlegm, the disease condition is aggravating at dark, furthermore, it can not be cured by other herbs. Treatment method: Wu Mai capsules, the prescription consists of Wu Wei Zi, Wu Bei Zi, toasting Mai Men Dong, each 100g, baking and triturating and making capsules, weight of every capsule is 0.5g, oral taking 6 capsules per time, 3 times a day. At the same time chewing 1-2 walnut kernels, 10 days are one course. We observe effect after 2 courses. Treatment result: general effective rate is 100%. The prescription is simple, low-cost and effective, it is worthy of being used in clinic. But the syndrome differentiation should be correct, if it belongs to new and severe cough with large amount of phlegm and greasy tongue coating, the prescription should not be used.
Key Words: obstinate cough, deficiency of Lung, Wu Mai Capsules
Writer: Zhao Zong Shuan
No.3 rest house Clinic, Beijing military area (100011)