In surrounding acupuncture group, there are totally 132 cases of tennis elbow treated by surrounding needling, we use four needles to insert up, down, left and right sides of painful point with needling direction of 30 degree angle oblique to the center of pain so that the tip of needle can reach to the muscle or tendon of epicondyle of humerus. When patients feel needling pain, the puncturing hand should push handle forward with thumb and scrape needle backward with index finger, so the tip of needle can go down through epicondyle of humerus, then the puncturing hand should rub needle with thumb backward and index finger forward so that the tip of needle can go up. We repeat this method 4 to 5 times on each needle. After needle manipulation, we ignite two herbal moxa sticks to the center of pain with 15 minutes stimulation. Treatment is done every day. In group of electronic stimulation, there are totally 57 patients, we prefer super-short wave and use two plates to place on the diseased area symmetrically, the distance of two plates is 2 cm, we use micro-warming method and stimulate 15 minutes with once everyday. We make statistics on each group after 15 times of treatment.
Result: In surrounding acupuncture group, tennis elbow on 129 patients is cured, cured rate is 97.7%; in electronic stimulation group, tennis elbow on 18 patients is cured, cured rate is 31.6%. so after comparison of two groups, the effect of surrounding acupuncture group is better than that of electronic stimulation group.
Tennis elbow is mostly caused by chronic fatigue and aseptic inflammation, it can happen on muscle, tendon and ligament and cause adhesion, fibrosis and scarring. Tennis elbow can disturb nerve endings and blood vessels and lead to pain due to local qi and blood stagnation. Surrounding and rubbing needles can eliminate fibrosis and local adhesion; moxa locally can regulate qi and blood, eliminate inflammation and stop pain.
Key Words: tennis elbow, surrounding needling and moxa, heavy stimulation
Writer: Gu Yanfeng;@ZJ1JD21 ZJ 1993 02 01 31 0