1: Wind-cold: Wind and cold attack meridians and cause qi and blood stagnation in the vessels. Primary symptoms include cold pain on both feet with worse in winter, difficult walking. Secondary symptoms include aversion to cold, severe pain on legs, difficult sleeping, poor appetite, loose stool, pale tongue with thin and white coating, thready pulse. Treatment principles are to warm up meridians, eliminate cold and promote qi and blood circulation. Name of herbal medicine is obliterans No.1. Ingredients have Qin Jiu 15g,
Gui Zhi 15g,
Shui Zhi 3g,
Mang Chong 3g,
Wei Ling Xian 24g, Chao Bai Jiezi 10g,
Niu Xi 12g,
Xi Xin 6g,
Rou Gui 10g,
Gan Cao 9g,
Su Mu 15g, Lu Jiao Jiao 15g, Pao Jiang 15g.
2: Blood stagnation: Blood stagnation can be transform into heat and attack vessels. Primary symptoms include purplish dark on dorsum of feet with swollen or even ulcer, severe pain, difficult walking, pulsatility on feet dorsum disappeared. Secondary symptoms include purplish dark tongue, yellow and sticky coating, wiry and rapid pulse. Treatment principles are to cool blood and eliminate stagnation, promote qi and blood stagnation, clear toxic heat. Name of herbal medicine is obliterans No.2. Ingredients have Dang Gui 10g, Ru Xiang 10g, Huang Qi 30g, Jin Yinhua 50g, Liu Jinu 12g, Fang Feng 15g, Zao Ci 15g, Bei Mu 9g, Tao Ren 10g, Yuan Shen 30g, Niu Xi 10g, Gan Cao 10g, Bai Zhi 5g, Hua Fen 20g.
3: Toxic heat: Combination of internal heat and dampness with external wind lead to dysfunction of defensive qi and nutrient blood, qi and blood stagnation. Primary symptoms have pricking pain on toes, purplish turning to black color on feet dorsum with skin ulcer and foul smell. Secondary symptoms have flush complexion, fever, aversion to cold, dry mouth, thirst, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse. Treatment principles are to clear heat and promote blood circulation. Name of herbal medicine is obliterans No.3. Ingredients have Ji Xueteng 30g, Xuan Shen 60g, Jin Yinhua 60g, Gan Cao 30g, Ru Xiang 10g, Dang Gui 20g, Su Mu 15g, Tu Fu Ling 15g, Chi Shao 15g, Lian Qiao 30g, Mao Dongqing 10g, Cang Zhu 10g, Tu Biezhong 10g, Bai Jiezi 15g, Di Long 10g.
Key Words: thromboangiitis obliterans, herbal medicine
Writer: Jiang Yanzhong
Liao He city Tai Zi He hospital, Liaoning province (111000)