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This type is excess heat and wind in lung meridian and heat stagnation in gall bladder meridians. The prescription of this group: Jin Yin Hua, 30g; Cang Er Zi, 12g; Ju Hua, Huang Qin, Xin yi, Bo He, Bai Zhi, Chuan Xiong, Man Jing Zi, Gan Cao, each of which is 10g. The dose for kids should be discretionarily reduced, and decoct the above drugs in water for oral application, one dose a day. There are 34 cases in the control group. Take intravenous drip with Penicillin of 4,000,000u (skin test is negative) and physiological saline of 200ml, twice a day. ( or take Amoxicillin for 0.5~0.75g, 3 times a day with oral administration); the treatment lasts for 6 days.

The results: There are 30 and 21 cases cured, 4 and 5 cases improved and 2 and 8 cases inefficient respectively in both groups. The total effective rates are 94.4% and 76.5%. ≥follow-up visit of improved patients>0.5a. 27 and 14 cases are no recrudescing respectively.

Key Words: Para nasal sinusitis, Qing Nao Tong Qiao Tang

Writer: Fan Xijun etc.
Jiang Su Traditional Chinese medicine, 2006, 27(9): 50


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