The prescription of this group: Dang Gui, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Qian Hu, Tai Zi Shen, Chi Shao, each of which is 10g; Chuan Bei Mu, Zhi Gan Cao, each of which is 15g; Chai Hu, Chuan Xiong, Zhi Ke, Jie Geng, each of which is 6g; Sheng di, 20g. Choose the herbs according to the symptoms, and decoct the above drugs in water for oral application, one dose a day. There are 20 cases in the control group. Take Prednisone of 30mg orally every day; decrease 5mg by week after 2 months’treatment; apply Cefadroxil capsule of 3g for fever and the increase of leukocyte; take it by VI, and continue for 2 months.
The results: There are 16 and 15 cases excellent (the physical symptoms are relived, the decrease of high-density degraded foliated shadow>80%), 10 and 6 cases improved and 4 and 9 cases inefficient.
Key Words: Radioactive lung damage, Jia Wei Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Writer: Li Jing
Shan Xi Traditional Chinese medicine, 2006, 27(9): 1080-1081