We use Guan Zhong, 5~10g; E Zhu, Dan Shen, Dang Shen, each of which is l0~15g; Di Ding, 10~30g; Huang Qi, 30~60g; Chuan Xiong,10g; Ban Lan Gen, 15~30g, Gan Cao,6g. In the latency period, apply Ba Zhen Tang for deficiency of both qi and blood with symptomatologic herbs selection; Chai Hu Shu Gan San for stagnation of liver qi and excess of fire with symptomatologic herbs selection; Wen Dan Tang for excess of internal phlegm and heat with symptomatologic herbs selection. In the period of disease, apply Qing Jin Hua Tan Tang and Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang for excess of both phlegm and heat in lung with symptomatologic herbs selection; Sheng Mai San and Bai He Gu Jin Tang for deficiency of both qi and blood and deficiency of both lung and kidney with symptomatologic herbs selection; Long Dan Xie Gan Wan for pathogenic wind and fire in the liver meridian and stagnation of dampness and toxin with symptomatologic herbs selection; Shen Ling Zi Zhu San for deficiency of both spleen and kidney and stagnation of dampness with symptomatologic herbs selection; Bu Tian Da Zao Wan for deficiency of original qi and kidney yin with symptomatologic herbs selection. Choose the herbs according to the symptoms, and decoct the above drugs in water for oral application, one dose a day. Apply Ai Ling Ke Li(Huang qi, Huang Qin and Niu zhen zi etc.) of 20g for 10 cases of qi deficiency and blood stagnation and pathogen stagnation; take medicine with water, twice a day. One course lasts for 3 months, and the treatment continues for 3 courses.
The results: There are 13 cases excellent, 36 cases improved and 6 cases inefficient. The total effective rates are 89.09%
Key Words: HIV/AIDS, Chinese Herbs
Writer: Chen Ze etc.
He Bei Traditional Chinese medicine, 2006, 28(10): 743-744