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Internal Medicine

1 General Data: 
There are 50 males and 35 females in this 85 cases. The age is between 24~74 years old; the disease courses are 2 months~8 years, most of which are 6 months~2 years. The main clinical symptoms are loose stools, 2~4 times a day, poor appetite, irregular pain in right side of lower abdomen etc.. Exclude rectum cancer by rectoscopy.

2 Treatment
Choose ST 25(both), BL 25(both) as the main prescriptions. The secondary point for poor appetite and gastralgia is CV 12.
Technique: cut the surgical catgut of big size into 2~3 cm pieces, and immerse them in the 75% alcohol in reserve. Ask the patients to supinate ( or pronate). Locally anesthetize the sterilized acupints with 2% diluted lidocaine (2 ml). Put the surgical catgut into the cannula puncture needle. Instert from the point which is 0.5 cm from the ST 25 (the inserting point is located at 0.5 cm from the ST 25 in order that the surgical catgut pass through the acupoint) transversely towards the CV 8. The depth is that the needle head can be touched at the epidermis located at CV 8. When the patients get sore, numb and distant sense, put the surgical catgut lying in the cannula puncture needle into the acupoint, while pushing the stylet and drawing out the needle tube, then draw out the cannula and stylet, sterilize the pinprick and apply aseptic dressing externally fixed by coated fabric. Insert on the BL 25 perpendicularly 5 cm, forming a 80° angle towards the vertebrae. Make needling sense conduct to the lower limbs. The other techniques are same as above.
Once catgut embedding is one course, each course is 30 days.
Remarks: strict aseptic technique in case of infection. Avoid from smoking, alcohol, spicy food; and no heavy physical labour and no bath in one week.

3 Treatment Results
3.1 Curative Effect Criteria: the patient is considered as cured if the patients terminate the drug taking, the clinical syndromes and the physical sign disappear after embedding, no recrudescence occurs during one year; basically cured if the Diarrhea sharply decreases, stools are well-formed, clinical syndromes and the physical sign basically disappear, no recrudescence occurs during one year; improved if the diarrhea is still 1~2 times a day, stools are well-formed, recrudescence occurs after a half year, and it is still effective when carry on with the treatment.
3.2 Curative Effect Evaluation: the 85 cases in this group are treated by l~6 times, viz. l~6 courses. 46 cases are cured and account for 54.11%; 30 cases are basically cured and account for 35.29%; 9 cases are improved and account for 10.6%; the total effective rate is 100%, cure rat is 89.4%.
From the embedding times, in the 76 cured cases, 55 cases receive the effect in 1~3 times treatments. It indicates that most of the excellent effects cases receive embedding within 3 times, while the cases which receive more than 4 times embedding show the effect without remarkable changes. Some of them increase the embedding treatment times after rectoscopy, but the effects are worse than the cases without rectoscopy.
We do 30 patients follow-up for 2~20 years. No recrudescence occurs except one cases which recurred by overeating animal tallow in the Spring Festival 2 years ago. It is still effective when carry on with the embedding treatment.

4 Experience
The acupuncture treatment takes effect in short term, but is nonpersistent and recurrent. The embedding treatment is not only more immediate effect, but also persistent and nonrecurrent.

Key Words: chronic colitis, catgut embedding therapy on acupoints

Writer: Chen Dianfu  Wang Ling  Wang hong  Lei Xinqiang


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