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Infantile nervous frequent urination is commonly infantile disease, we obtain successful result after we needle Ye Niao Point.

We divide patients into acupuncture treatment group ( 102 patients ) and herbs control group ( 30 patients ).

In acupuncture treatment group, we locate Ye Niao Point on both sides ( middle point on transverse crease of second joint of little finger on palmar surface ), insert needle to subcutaneous region with perpendicular direction, retain needles 15 minutes and manipulate needles 1 to 2 times. Treatment is performed everyday and 5 times become one course.

In herbs control group, according to differentiation, we apply Sang Xiao Xiao San and Suo Quan Wan for kidney qi deficiency; Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and Suo Quan Wan for lung and spleen qi deficieny; Dao Chi San and Long Dan Xie Gan Tang for damp and heat in lower jiao.

Rusult: there is no obvious difference between two methods, so we believe that two methods have same effect.

Discussion and experience:
Infantile nervous frequent urination is a kind of dysfunction of urinary system. We believe this disease can be caused by 1: kidney qi deficiency; 2: nervous; 3: invasion of cold. Because kidney qi becomes deficient, kidney organ is attacked by cold so that it can not control urinary bladder. And some few cases relate with irregular food intake such as over-drinking warming water and beverage, indulgence of spicy and hot food.

Needling Ye Niao Point is easy method, it is suitable for children who do not adapt herbal treatment and for doctors who are lack of clinical experience. At the same time, parents should help children to prevent cold invasion and correct bad habit of food intake. The reason why Ye Niao Point can treat frequent urination is that this point locates on the running course of hand-shaoyin meridian, so needling here can regulate mental activities.

Key Words: infantile nervous frequent urination, needling Ye Niao

Writer: Li Zhishan, Gui Yeping


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