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Internal Medicine
1 General Data:

All the patients in this group are in hospitals who have been diagnosed with ulcer by fibergastroscope and barium meal examination, and be divided into acupoint injection group and oral administration group by random selections for contrasting observations.
2 Treatment
2.1 (A) Acupuncture injection group: in the 50 cases, 42 cases are males and account for 84%; 8 cases are females and account for 16%. There are 35 cases below 30 years old and 15 cases between 35~60 years old; the disease courses of which are more than 1 years. (B) Oral administration group: 40 cases are males and account for 80%; 10 cases are females and account for 20%. There are 30 cases below 30 years old and 20 cases between 35~60 years old; the disease courses of which are more than 1 year.
2.2 Treatment (A) Acupuncture injection group: all of the 50 cases are treated by acupuncture injection with 2ml(0.2g) tagamet injections. The main prescriptions are ST 36 of both sides, Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach, Weicang (BL50) (right side), Pishu (BL20) (right side). The secondary points: Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon for distention of abdomen; Jianjing (GB21) and Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point for nausea and vomiting. The injection method: take 2ml(0.2g) tagamet injections by 5ml injector and dilute it to 5ml by physiological saline,then pierce into the sterilized select acupoints with NO.4 pinhead, push the injections in when get the sore, numb and distant sense. 1ml for each acupoint, 3~4 acupoints for every treatment, once a day and 14-time treatment is 1 course. Evaluate the curative effect after 2 treatment courses. (B) Oral administration group: take in 0.2g before three meals and 0.4g before bedtime for 5 weeks, then take it in 0.2g before both breakfast and supper for a half month. Evaluate the curative effect after that.
3 Curative Effect Criteria And Results
The patient is considered as cured if the clinical syndromes disappear, niche signs disappear or the ulcer regions heal according to the barium meal examination of stomach and duodenum or the endoscopy; excellent if the pains disappear, and the appetite increases, niche signs is reduced or the ulcer regions heal basically according to the barium meal examination of stomach and duodenum or the endoscopy; improved if the pains are relieved obviously, the appetite increases and the acid regurgitation disappears; inefficient if the pains are not relieved obviously after 2 treatment courses(one month).
4 Treatment Results
40 cases are cured, 6 cases are excellent, 2 cases are improved and 2 cases are inefficient in the 50-case acupuncture group. 30 cases are crued, 6 cases are excellent, 8 cases are improved and 6 cases are inefficient in the 50-case oral administration group.
No side effects appear during the treatment of acupuncture injection group, no recrudescence occurs during one year patient follow-up after the treatment. the leucocyte of 5 cases drops to less than 4000, and 1 male’s breast is swollen during the oral administration group treatment.
5 Experience
The ulcer of stomach and duodenum are treated by acupuncture injection and oral administration. Comparing with the oral administration, the acupuncture injection is higher cure rate, less doses, shorter treatment courses and more immediate effects. Especially, a satisfying fact is that it makes up the disadvantages of oral administration which are bad remote effect, tendency to recrudescence and the side effects because of the long term oral administration. It appropriates for clinical treatments widely.

Key Words: acupoint injection, oral administration, stomach and duodenum ulcer

Writer: Miao Chunda


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