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Internal Medicine

To observe the effect of Suhuangzhike Decoction on immunity function for patient with cough variant asthma.We randomly divide 58 patients into treatment group with 30 patients and control group with 28 patients. On treatment group, we give patients Su Huang Zhi Ke Decoction ( ingredients have Zhi Ma Huang, Can Zui, Di Long, Su Ye, Jiu Ba Ye, Xing Ren, Wu Wei Zi etc); on control group, we give patients Zhi Ke San Tang Ji ( ingredients have Ju Geng, Zi Yuan, Bai Bu, Bai Qian, Jin Jie, Chen Pi, Gan Cao ), both of groups are treated four weeks, all of patients take blood tests for immunoglobulin and T lymphocyte before and after the treatment.

Result: after treatment, there are not obvious difference on IgA and IgM( P>0.05) for treatment and control groups, IgG on treatment group is obviously  more increased than that on control group (P<0.05), there is not obvious difference on CD4+ (P>0.05) for treatment and control groups, CD8+ on treatment group is obviously  more increased than that on control group (P<0.05), CD4+/CD8+ on treatment group is obviously  more decreased than that on control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Su Huang Zhi Ke Tang can improve Reticuloendothelial System Activity, regulate T lymphocyte and promote immunity function for CVA patients.

Key Words: Su Huang Zhi Ke Decoction, immunity function, cough variant asthma

Writer: ZHANG Zhong De,ZHANG Yu,DENG Yi Qi etc.(The Second Clinical Medical School,Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese medicine,Beijing Sino-Japanese Hospital)


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