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Internal Medicine

The treatments of migraine in 42 cases received good effect by needling excluding the migraine caused by intracranial space occupying lesion and inflammation of the Intracalvarium. The prescription: Extra Taiyang, Shuaigu (GB8), Fengchi (GB20), Zhongzhu (TE3) Shu-Stream Point and XiaXi (GB43) Ying-Spring Point are main points; Baihui (GV20) is a secondary point.

After needling on the head, use the electric needle machine or acupuncture anesthesia machine, the frequency in per minute are controlled at about 200 times, electric quantity are controlled in measure as slight jumping; retain the needles for 30 minutes. Apply reinforcing method or even method on TE3 and GB43, and do needle transmission for 1-2 times during needles retaining. Needle once a day, 7 days treatments are one course, then continue the second course after having 4-5 days break.

Result: The total effective rate is 100%. The migraine mainly locates on shao yang meridians, therefore, the prescription of this group is based on shao yang meridians’ circulation. Extra Taiyang is an extra point, but locates in the shao yang meridian circulation areas. TE 3 belongs to hand shao yang meridian, and GB8, GB20 and GB43 belong to foot shao yang meridian. The five acupoints combine the above and the below, therefore, the effect of migraine of shao yang meridian is immediate and consolidated. Needle inserting should be swift. Lift and twirl the needles when inserting deeper without electric stimulation,and keep the patients feeling good. do needle transmission for 2-3 times during needles retaining, the effect of which is same as the electric needle. Do not forced insert the needles when the resistance increase or needle with rough technique, otherwise, it will add to patients' unnecessary pain.

Key Words: migraine, electric acupuncture

Author: XXX@ZJ1J531 ZJ 1985 03 01 19 0


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