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65 inpatients were randomly assigned to 2 groups for this clinical observation. The treatment group 34 cases were treated with modified Dao Tan Decoction (Ban Xia, Dan Nan Xing, Zhi Shi, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Shi Chang Pu, Chai Hu, Yu Jin) one dose per day and risperidone 3.16+_0.73mg/d; the control group 31 cases treated with risperidone 5.11+-1.27mg/d alone. The course for both groups was 8 weeks. The effect was evaluated with positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS), and the adverse reaction was assessed with treatment emergent symptom scale (TESS).

Results: There was no significant difference in the overall efficacy between the two groups, but the improvement of the negative symptoms, illness provocation and general psychopathologic condition was significantly better in the treatment group than that in the control group respectively. Moreover, the adverse reaction was milder and less in the treatment group than that in the control group.

Conclusion: Modified Dao Tan Decoction plus small dose of risperidone is effective on chronic schizophrenia and shows less adverse reaction.

Key Words: modified Dao Tan Decoction, small dose risperidone, chronic schizophrenia

Writer: Jingli Liu, Li Ma, Yong Wang
Department of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine, Kangning Hospital of Anshan City, Liaoning (114047)


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