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1 Data
  There are totally 1100 patients with 615 male and 485 female. All of patients are below 20 years old, below 1.0 distant vision, normal near vision and -2D given by diopter examination.

2 Treatment method
  A: Points: Primary point is Chengqi (ST1); Secondary points are Yiming, Fengchi (GB20).
  B: Technique: After local disinfection, we choose No.30 1.5 cun filiform needle and insert needle into ST1 with 30° degree oblique to Jingming (BL1). When patient feels sourness and distension or tears on eyes after 1 cun insertion, we slightly lift and thrust needle 3 to 5 times and retain needle 10 minutes. Manipulation of needle should be gentle, heavy stimulation given by lifting and thrusting is not allowed, press point by cotton 1 to 2 minutes after withdrawing needle to prevent bleeding. We apply No.28 1.5 cun filiform needle to insert Yiming and GB20 0.8 cun depth (no deep insertion), retain needles 10 minutes after qi arriving.
  Needling treatment is once a day, 10 times of treatment are considered as one course, 3 days break should be taken between two courses. In general, 2 to 4 courses are necessary. Every time, we test vision before and after treatment during same situation.

3 Treatment effect
  A: Effect standard
Cured – vision more than 1.0
Obvious effective – three lines improved but below 1.0 on vision table
Improved – one or two lines improved on vision table
No effect – no change or less than one line improved on vision table
  B: Treatment result
     1): Near effect
        Among 369 cured eyes, at least 1 time, at most 40 times and average 15 times of treatment.
     2): Distant effect
        Among 129 cured eyes, half year, one year and two years follow-up observation of patients are done; only 1/3 patient keep same vision with the time after treatment course. So for maintaining vision improved by acupuncture treatment, we should suggest patient to keep certain distance and reasonable light in reading book, strengthen body constitution and promote eye health exercise.
     3): Relation of vision before acupuncture treatment with effect
        Vision before acupuncture treatment has obvious influence to treatment effect (P<0.001). Cured rate is 67.7% when vision before treatment is from 0.7 to 0.9, and cured rate is only 5.5% if vision before treatment is from 0.1 to 0.3.

4 Discussion
  ST1 is point from stomach meridian; so it has functions to promote qi and blood circulation on stomach meridian and eye area, improve vision. Yiming is extra point, GB20 is point from gallbladder meridian, and both of them can brighten eyes and promote brain. Effective result of this group of points may relate with stimulation of eye area and meridians leading to relax spasm of eye muscles then improve vision.

Key Words: myopia, acupuncture


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