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1 Data

  There are totally 160 cases treated in our clinic from December 1987 to May 1988. We randomly divide them into Treatment Group (100 patients) and Control Group (60 patients).

2 Treatment method
  Treatment Group:
A: Points selection:
   First group: Yingxiang (LI20), Yintang, Shangxing (GV23), Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point
   Second group: Shang Yingxiang (LI20) (Upper LI20), Fengchi (GB20), LI4
   Two groups are alternatively applied, needling is taken with even method. We prefer 6805 Electronic Apparatus with continuous wave, intensity depending on tolerance of patient after qi arriving and with 30 minutes stimulation.
B: Direct non-ulcer moxibustion:
  Lung deficiency: Feishu (BL13) or Fengmen (BL12)
  Spleen deficiency: Pishu (BL20)
  Kidney deficiency: Shenshu (BL23)
  Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy are alternatively performed, 15 times of treatment are one course. Statistics of treatment result should be taken after one course.
   Control Group: Oral intake of Bi Yan Kang Pian (rhinitis healing tablet), 4 tablets a time and 3 times a day, 15 days are one course. Statistics of treatment result should be taken after one course.
   There is no other therapy for both of treatment and control groups.

3 Effect standard
  Clinical control – all of clinical symptoms are controlled, body manifestations are disappeared, also stay the same in the following one month without treatment.
  Obvious effective – symptoms and body manifestations are obviously relieved (two or more than two degree is reduced), also stay the same in the following one month without treatment.
  Improved -- symptoms are relieved (one or more than one degree is reduced), also stay the same in the following one month without treatment.
  No effect – less than one degree is reduced or no improvement.

4 Treatment result
  According to effect standard and through Ridit analysis, effect of treatment group is better than that of control group. Difference between two groups is very obvious. There is no obvious change on perennial and seasonal effects, but treatment results of lung deficiency and spleen deficiency are much better than that of kidney deficiency and heat (difference is very obvious through Ridit analysis).

5 Discussion
  Combination of acupuncture with moxibution on points get functions to stop cold, promote lung qi in descending and dispersing, tonify spleen and warm up kidney yang. According to clinical observation of 100 cases, acupuncture and moxibustion can definitely and effectively treat this disease without side effect.
  Treatment results of kidney deficiency and heat are worse than that of lung deficiency and spleen deficiency, because treatment may be difficult when diseased position is deep. Further research should be taken in the future.

Key Words: allergic rhinitis, acupuncture

Writer: Jin Rui, Kang Xiaohong


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