1 Data There are totally 10 patients, 4 male and 6 female; youngest is 14 years old, oldest is 38, most are from 20 to 35; Occupation: 6 workers, 2 cadres, 2 students; Duration of sinusitis: short is 1 year, long is 18 years, most are from 2 to 4 years.
2 Treatment method Treatment point is Yingxiang (LI20), No. 28 and 3 cun filiform needle should be used, needling depth is 1 to 1.5 cun. Insert needle to LI20 with 0.2 to 0.5 cun deep, then obliquely thrust needle deeper with 35 to 40 degree angle to anterior and superior to lower concha. Treatment should be performed once a day, retaining of needle is 40 minutes, reinforcing and reducing techniques are unnecessary. 3 to 5 times are considered as 1 treatment course. The second course can be started after one week break, if disease is not cured. Counting the treatment times of this group: the minimum 3 times, the maximum 12 times, most are 3 to 5 times. After insertion of needle, it is normal response if there are several drops of nasal bleeding (unnecessary to stop), also large amount of nasal discharge and sneezing.
3 Effect standard and treatment result Effect standard: cured -- symptoms are disappeared, smelling is back to normal, respiration is free, disease is not repeatedly happened; obviously effective – most symptoms are disappeared; improved – most symptoms are relieved but still nasal obstruction; no effect – symptoms have no improvement after two courses. Treatment result (10 cases): 8 cured, 1 obviously effective, 1 improved, so effective rate is 100%.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis given by point irradiation of He-Ne laser (41 cases)Writer: Peng Yue, He Shaoqin, Wang Shali1 Data There are totally 41 patients with 21 male and 20 female. Their ages are from 14 to 60 years old. All of patients have diagnosis of allergic rhinitis given by ENT Department.
2 Treatment method Treatment apparatus for all patients is G2-1A He-Ne Laser Machine made by Shanghai Medical Laser Apparatus Factory, the laser wave length is 632.8nm, output power is more than 1 mW, diameter of laser spot is about 1.5mm. Irradiation to every point is 3 to 5 minutes. Treatment is once a day, 12 times are considered as one course. Direction of irradiation is as same as needling. Points selection include LI20, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point. Stop other therapy when laser irradiation is taken.
3 Treatment result Only 6 patients have no effect, so effective rate is 85%.
4 Experience Laser irradiation treatment for allergic rhinitis has same effect with other therapy. It can be chosen when other therapy has no effect. Low intensity of He-Ne laser point irradiation has the same function with acupuncture to regulate blood circulation, promote metabolism, activate enzyme and benefit qi and blood in meridians. Then treatment can be effective after tonifying body constitution and strengthening anti-pathogenic qi.
Key Words: chronic sinusitis, LI20, deep inserting
Writer: Su Xianglu, Jia Guoying