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Wu Zei Gu

Posted by: admin on Feb 23, 2008 - 07:32 PM
Stabilize & Bind

Salty, astringent and slightly warm

Liver and kidney

1. To astringe and stop bleeding 2. To control the essence and relieve leukorrhea; 3. To restrain hyperacidity and stop pain; 4. To promote healing of ulcers

1. Hemorrhage. Cuttlefish bone (Wu Zei Gu) is used with Rubia root (Qian Cao), Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zong Lu Tan) and Donkey hide gelatin (E Jiao). Cuttlefish bone (Wu Zei Gu) Can be used alone for bleeding due to external injuries.    2.  Deficiency of the kidneys manifested as seminal emissions or leukorrhea. Cuttlefish bone (Wu Zei Gu) is used with Dogwood fruit (Shan Zhu Yu), Dioscorea (Shan Yao), Dadder seed (Tu Si Zi)and Oyster shell (Mu Li).    3. Stomach pain and acid regurgitation. Cuttlefish bone (Wu Zie Gu) is used with Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuan Bei Mu) in the formula Wu Bei San.4. Eczema or chronic ulcers. Cuttlefish bone (Wu Zei Gu) is used with Phellodendron bark (Huang Bai) and Natural indigo (Qing Dai) for external use in powder form.

6-12 g

This substance is contraindicated in cases with deficient yin and excessive heat.

Wu Zei Gu

Image of herb: Wu Zei Gu
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