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Xinping Therapy--An Extension of TCM Internal Cause Theory
published on 22.06.2008, 04:40:47. Category: no category
Xinping therapy is an extension of TCM Internal Cause Thoery.
Now "All diseases are caused by mind." is furtherly developed into the stage "All diseases are cured by mind."
Xinping refers to excellent health when you live with Peaceful Mental State, Dialectical and Cause-effect Balance Thinking.
It also refers to the healing process when you help your body and mind be healthy with Peaceful Mental State, Dialectical and Cause-effect Balance Thinking.

Xinping Therapy is a branch of science that studies the interactive laws between mind and body, and uses the laws to cure diseases by psychological directional regulation, and makes people obtain health both physically and mentally. In terms of medical science, it studies the psychological cause, changes and treatment of diseases. Put it in a simple way, it studies what disease is derived from what kind of psychology and how to think to cure the disease. It is summarized through the observation and study of many diseases and psychological phenomena for over 20 years.

Basic theories:
1、psychological fluctuation has the directing effect not only on the things you think of , but also on qi and blood flow in the human body.
2、psychological fluctuation can produce directional physiological and pathological effects on qi and blood flow in the human body
3、The changes of qi and blood derived from psychological fluctuation have a retaining nature to human body.
4、Psychological changes can make the benign or malign transition to the diseases.
5、To alleviate and cure the diseases by applying a peaceful mental state and dialectical natural attitude on the retained information of human body.
    In the five basic theories, the first and second are the summarization of internal cause theory of Traditional Chinese medicine. The third is the development of the internal cause theory. The fourth and fifth are the theory of the changes and treatment of diseases under the guidance of philosophical thought of dialectical materialism.

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