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You are here: Home > Clinic Series > Treating HIV/AIDS by Chinese Herbs (Chinese Edition)

Treating HIV/AIDS by Chinese Herbs (Chinese Edition)


The lecture talks about the treatment of HIV/AIDS by Chinese Herbs. The western medical treatment of AIDS usually focuses on HIV inhibiting, but TCM pays more attention to adjust overall body’s conditioning. The advantages of Chinese medicine are differentiation and individual treatment. Chinese medicine is the complementary of Western medicine. It improves the clinical efficacy, reduces mortality and morbidity, and improves the quality of life. The AIDS and HIV projects related to different Chinese herbal treatment of clinical researches, medical intervention during the asymptomatic stage, evaluation, drug screening, and opportunistic infections, etc.
Complete information on more than 7,000 cases sum up, Chinese medicine treatment can significantly improve the clinical symptoms such as fatigue, fever, rash, cough, poor appetite, and Diarrhea. It helps weight gain, stables or improves the immune function, reduces the side effects of antiviral drugs. 

Screenshot of TCM Treating Aids/HIV

Language: Chinese
Instructor: Jian Wang
Runtime: 97 minutes
Type: Video + Slides + Content


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