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You are here: Home > Folk therapy > TCM Mind Therapy (Cough)

TCM Mind Therapy (Cough)

Description: The TCM Mind Therapy is featured by treating diseases when having diseases, preventing diseases when having no diseases, knowing diseases before they happen to you and treating diseases by oneself after knowing them. Treatment of cough with TCM Mind Therapy is suitable for prevention, diagnosis and treatment for oneself and for others. It emphasizes the ideal treatment mental state-alpha center, the activiation of self-healing mechanism of the body, directional mental repairing and keys determining healing effects and showing the complementarity of TCM Mind Therapy and traditional therapies and the scientific value and effectiveness of the TCM Mind Therapy.

Screenshot of TCM Mind Therapy for Cough

Language: English
Instructor: Kuiyang Xue
Runtime: 118 minutes
Note: Due to copyright protection, all of video courses on this website are available within one computer.
All parts packaging on download: $25.00
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Separate purchase due to different parts:

TCM Mind Therapy (Cough) Part 1
Runtime: 59 minutes
Type: Video + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.50
Introduce: This is very good and special class which shows diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cough by TCM Mind Therapy.
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

TCM Mind Therapy (Cough) Part 2
Runtime: 59 minutes
Type: Video + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.50
Introduce: Treatment of cough with TCM Mind Therapy is suitable for prevention, diagnosis and treatment for oneself and for others.
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)


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