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You are here: Home > Clinic Series > Clinical Application of Needling Methods in Internal Classic

Clinical Application of Needling Methods in Internal Classic


There are many needling methods have been described in "Internal Classic" (Yellow Emperor Inner Classic, Huang Di Nei Jing), in which the chapter 7 of Miraculous Pivot has become to the most representative chapter of needling methods. Nine needling methods, twelve needling methods, five needling techniques and special needling methods with several needles together, they all have been included in this professor Hu’s video class. You can find out the clinical application of coupled, quintuple, repeated, triple, leopard-spot, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, adjacent and joint punctures etc. through it. Studying this classic needling methods and their clinical application will enhance your acupuncture knowledge. And the information can be useful in your clinical practice, since it has combined classic and modern clinical practice. This video class fits for both TCM collage students and practitioners.

Screenshot of Neijing Acupuncture

Language: English
Instructor: Jinsheng Hu
Runtime: 50 minutes
Type: Video + Slides + Content
Note: Due to copyright protection, all of video courses on this website are available within one computer.
Prices: $15.00
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