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You are here: Home > Clinic Series > Lingering Pathogens-Theory and Practice

Lingering Pathogens-Theory and Practice


Chronic health problems, like skin diseases, allergies and asthma etc. are usually related to lingering pathogens. Nei Jing, Shang Han Lun, and Wen Bing, those TCM classics all mentioned that the pathogens enter our body and may not be relieved right away due to some reasons. Then they become complicated problems and lingerers to cause many long-term health problems.
This lecture talks about realizing and understanding the lingering pathogens through TCM classics. It helps TCM acupuncture practitioners and students to learn more for those chronic problems that we usually dealing with in many clinics.

Lingering Pathogens-Theory and Practice video course screenshot

Language: English
Instructor: Yiwen Su
Runtime: 44 minutes
Type: Video + Slides + Content


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