Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-between left and right trapezius muscle-nuchal ligament (between left and right splenius muscles of head)-between left and right semispinal muscles of head.
In the superficial layer, there are the 3rd occipotal nerve and the subcutaneous vein.In the deep layer, there are the branches of the posterior branches of the 2nd and 3rd cervical nerves, the external (poeterior) vertebral venous plexus dnd the branches or tributaries of the occipital artery and vein.
Sit upright with one's head inclined slightly forward; 0.5 cun into the posterior hairline on the posterior median line.
Refreshing oneself, promoting resuscitation and tranquilizing the mind.
Mental disorders, epilepsy, deafness and mute, sudden hoarseness, apoplexy, stiffness of the tongue and aphasia, headache, neck rigidity.
Combined use with ShuigouGV26 (Shuigou (GV26) [3]) for treatment of hysterical aphasia; with FengchiGB20 (Fengchi (GB20) [4]) for treatment of pseudo-bulbar palsy; with YintangEXHN3 (EX-HN3) for treatment of epistaxis; with ZusanliST36 (Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point [5]) for treatment of cerebral paralysis; and with HouxiSI3 (Houxi (SI3) Shu-Stream Point, The Eight Confluent Point [6]), FengchiGB20 (GB20), YaoqiEXB9 (EX-B9), ShuigouGV26 (GV26), and NeiguanPC6 (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point [7]) for treatment of epilepsy.
Insert the needle perpendicularly to 0.5-1 cun depth or insert the needle obliquely to downward 0.5-1 cun depth; needling response: drawing out the needl when needling sensation of electric-shock occure; moxibustion: mild moxibustion for 3-5 min.
Don`t puncture deeply, or else the needle would penetrate the right and left lesser posterior straight muscle of head and the right and left larger posterior straight muscle of head-the
membrana atlantoepistrophica dorsalis- the epidural space-the dura mater of spinal cord-the subdural space-the arachnoid of spinal cord-the subarachnoid cavity-the spinal pia mater-the spinal cord, and injure the structures of the spinal cord and the posterior spinal artery, etc.