Clinical Application on Diaphoresis (Part I) [1]

Posted by : admin on Aug 13, 2009 - 10:10 PM
Herbal Clinical Practice / Internal Medicine [2]

The diaphoresis which is used by medical scientist is according to exterior syndrome of febrile disease and exterior syndrome with interior syndrome. The author considers that the internal injury and infection disease or the external disease which is without exterior syndrome can be treated by diaphoresis. The surprising effect is received by proper treatment.

(1) Clinical observation on pulmonitis: the main manifestation is interior syndrome. Diaphoretic medicine is added to remove exterior syndrome and heat and a good effect is received.
(2) Wind, coldness with dampness type or coldness with dampness type of rheumatoid arthritis: sweating first, and then benefiting qi, nourishing blood, warming meridians and opening collaterals. For wind, dampness with heat type, or damp heat type, clearing away heat, eliminating dampness and wind first and then sweating. It can improve syndromes obviously and relieve pain.
(3) Warm disease due to pathogen in yin fen: fever at night and coldness in the morning, feverish sensation over the five centers, dry skin, no sweating, red tongue, deep, tready and rapid pulse. The Traditional Chinese medicine [3] treatment is nourishing yin and clearing away heat. Proper quantities of Qin Jiu and Dou Chi are added for eliminating pathogens, making body sweating to defervesce.
(4) Drysweating: followed with oppressed chest, desquamation and pruritus of skin, deep, excess and forceful pulse. Modification of Ma Huang [4] Tang is applied and a good effect can be received.

Key words: diaphoresis, clinical application

Writer: Junzhi Zhang, Quanying Lin
People’s hospital of Ningxia Hui autonomous region (750021)

