Effect Observation of 52 Cases of Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Neuritis Treated by Fire Needle Combined with Herbs [1]

Posted by : admin on Jun 12, 2009 - 03:16 AM
Acupuncture Clinical Practice / Internal Medicine [2]

Lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis belongs to peripheral nerve disease, it is a kind of cutaneous neuritis that is commonly seen in acupuncture clinic. We combine fire needle with Dang Gui [3] Si Ni Tang to treat 52 cases and obtain good effect. All of 52 cases are outpatients. Clinical manifestations: sensitive disturbance such as numbness or ants climbing sensation on lateral side of thigh. There are pain decreased or disappeared areas with different sizes on the local region after test. Treatment method: selecting Ashi points, puncturing 3 to 5 times with fire needle, performing treatment once every three days. Do not touch water within 5 days to prevent infection. Herbs: Dang Gui Si Ni Tang, ingredients include Dang Gui 15g, Gui Zhi [4] 10g, Bai Shao [5] 10g, Xi Xin [6] 3g, zhi Gan Co 6g, Da Zao [7] 10g, Mu Tong [8] 6g, chuan Niu Xi [9] 15g, ji Xue Teng [10] 30g, sheng Huang Qin [11] 30g. We make observation of effect after 20 days, the total effective rate is 96%.

Key words: fire needle, herbs, lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis

Writer: Haiying Huang, Miner Zheng, Yongheng Liang
Acupuncture Department, Dianbai County TCM Hospital in Guangdong Province


  [1] http://opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2789
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  [3] http://opentcm.com/Article974.html
  [4] http://opentcm.com/Article616.html
  [5] http://opentcm.com/Article977.html
  [6] http://opentcm.com/Article739.html
  [7] http://opentcm.com/Article954.html
  [8] http://opentcm.com/Article721.html
  [9] http://opentcm.com/Article803.html
  [10] http://opentcm.com/Article800.html
  [11] http://opentcm.com/Article652.html