Discussion of Eight Methods for Lung Disease Treatment [1]

Posted by : admin on May 23, 2009 - 05:07 PM
Herbal Clinical Practice / Internal Medicine [2]

1. Facilitating lung, evacuating the exogenous pathogens of lung, facilitating lung and promoting qi. Representative prescriptions include Ma Huang [3] Tang, San Niu Tang, Cung Chi Jie Geng [4] Tang etc.

2. Quieting lung, eliminating the phlegm-fire in the lung. The herbs with this function are even, representative herbs include Pi Pa Ye [5], Ma Dou Ling [6], Kuan Dong Hua [7], Bai Bu [8] etc. Representative prescription: Su Zi [9] Jiang Qi Tang, Ding Chuan Tang.

3. Clearing lung, clearing-discharging the excessive heat in lung. The general herbs include Sang Ye [10], Ju Hua [11], Shi Gao [12], Bai Mao Gen [13], Zhu Ru [14], Yu Xing Cao [15], Huang Qin [16] etc.

4. Discharging lung, discharging the phlegm-fire and water damp in lung. The representative prescriptions include: Ting Li Da Zao [17] Xie Fei Tang, Xie Bai [18] San etc.

5. Warming lung, relieving the cold fluid-retention in lung. Xiao Qing Long Tang is commonly used in clinic.

6. Moistening lung, moistening the dryness in lung. The representative herbs: resolving sputum and stopping cough herbs including Bei Mu, Gua Lou [19], clearing heat herbs including Zhi Mu [20], Lu Gen [21], Tian Hua Fen [22], reinforcing herbs including A Jiao, Xi Yang Shen [23], Mai Men Dong [24], Shi Hu [25], Yu Zhu [26], all the which are moistening herbs.

7. Reinforcing lung, it includes both sweeting-warming for promotion of lung qi and sweeting-cooling for nourishing lung yin. Among the common herbs with function of qi reinforcement, we choose the herbs that are warm but without dryness, such as Ren Shen [27], Huang Qi [28], Gan Cao [29] etc.

8. Astringing lung, astringing the dissipation lung qi. The common herbs include Wu Wei Zi [30], Wu Mei [31], Bai Guo [32], Hu Tao Rou etc.

Key words: Lung treatment, Eight Methods

Writer: Dingmei Chen, Youlin Jiang
The People’s Hospital, Du Chang County, Jiangxi Province (332600)


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  [4] http://opentcm.com/Article820.html
  [5] http://opentcm.com/Article841.html
  [6] http://opentcm.com/Article842.html
  [7] http://opentcm.com/Article836.html
  [8] http://opentcm.com/Article834.html
  [9] http://opentcm.com/Article837.html
  [10] http://opentcm.com/Article633.html
  [11] http://opentcm.com/Article634.html
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  [16] http://opentcm.com/Article652.html
  [17] http://opentcm.com/Article954.html
  [18] http://opentcm.com/Article754.html
  [19] http://opentcm.com/Article824.html
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  [29] http://opentcm.com/Article953.html
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