Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the common but refractory micro blood vessel intercurrent syndrome; it is also one of the main obituary causes for diabetic. There are 50 cases in this group which are randomly divided into 2 groups. There are 30 cases in treatment group, 20 cases in contrast group. Treatment method: as for contrast group: performing diabetic healthy education and giving high quality low protein diet, giving Meibida (glipizide) 15-30mg/d, or Glurenorm (gliquidone) 30-180mg/d respectively, all the medicine should be orally taken for 3 times, if the patients have hypertention, we should give adalat or captopril etc. Treatment group: based on the treatment method of the contrast group, giving Yi Yuan Yi Shen Kang capsule (ingredients: Huang Qi [3], Ren Shen [4], Shan Zhu Yu [5], Sheng Di Huang [6], Gui Jian Yu, Yu Mi Xu, Fu Ling [7], Dan Shen [8], Shui Zhi [9], Xu Duan [10], Yi Mu Cao [11], Huang Lian [12] etc), 2 months are one course for both groups.
Result: there are 90% of total effective rate in the treatment group, and 60% in the contrast group.
Key Words: Yi Yuan Yi Shen Kang capsule, treatment, Diabetic Nephropathy, Clinical research
Writer: Huamin Ma, Caihong You, Heng Ma
TCM hospital, Xinmi city, Henan province (452370)