Topic on channels in the divine pivot (Tenth article part XIV) [1]

Posted by : admin on Apr 06, 2009 - 01:18 AM
Chinese Medicine Classic / Nei Jin [2]

Once the gallbladder channel has been disordered, the patient suffers from a bitter taste, frequent sighing, painful chest and rib-sides, inability to turn the body, possibly even feeling that the face is slightly dust-covered, absence of sheen and gloss, abnormally hot outer legs. The disease is called qi reversal of the yang. Therefore, the channel dominates diseases due to disorders of the bones. The symptoms are headache, painful chin and outer canthi, swollen and painful supraclavicular fossa, swollen armpits, scrofula, sweating, shuddering with cold, malaria, and painful flanks and rib-sides. The painful outer thighs, knees and fibulas, and aching front parts of the lateral malleoli are also presented. All concerned joints are painful and the third toes maybe disabled.

Key Words: channels, in the divine pivot

