Experience on Prescription of Moxibustion of Guanrong Li [1]

Posted by : admin on Mar 03, 2009 - 10:21 PM
Acupuncture Clinical Practice / Internal Medicine [2]

The professor Guanrong Li’s prescription of moxibustion is introduced as follows: there are Ai Ye [3], Du Huo [4], Qiang Huo [5], raw Chuan Wu, raw Cao Wu, Xi Xin [6], Jiang Xiang [7], Shi Chang Pu [8], Gan Song, Zhang Nao, E Bu Shi Cao and Zhu Ya Zao in this prescription, 13 kinds in total. Preparation: break Ai Ye into pieces, sieve, deash and make them into moxa; and grind the other herbs into fine powder, sieve, mix the medicinal powder and moxa by 1:9, spread them on soft, loose and tough mulberry paper which is 26cm long and 20cm wide, roll them into cylindrical of 1.5 cm diameter, the tender the better and seal with glue or paste in case of air leakage.

Key words: moxibustion, prescription, experience

Writer: Wencheng Li

Miyi Traditional Chinese medicine [9] hospital, Sichuan province (617200)


  [1] https://opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2537
  [2] https://opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=54
  [3] https://opentcm.com/https://opentcm.com/Article788.html
  [4] https://opentcm.com/https://opentcm.com/Article689.html
  [5] https://opentcm.com/https://opentcm.com/Article622.html
  [6] https://opentcm.com/https://opentcm.com/Article739.html
  [7] https://opentcm.com/https://opentcm.com/Article808.html
  [8] https://opentcm.com/https://opentcm.com/Article944.html
  [9] http://www.opentcm.com