Observation of Treatment Effect of 28 Cases of Irregular Postoperative Abdominal Pain Given by Gui Zhi Tang with Modification [1]

Posted by : admin on Aug 16, 2008 - 06:18 AM
Herbal Clinical Practice / External Medicine [2]

There are 28 patients (8 males and 20 females) who suffer from Postoperative abdominal pain due to various reasons (except cancer). Treatment method: basic prescription including Gui Zhi [3] 10g, Bai Shao [4] Yao 30g, prepared Gan Cao [5] 10g, Yan Hu Suo [6] 10g, Rou Gui [7] 3g (decoct later), Da Zao [8] 10 pieces. 20 Days are one course. Modification: adding Jin Yin Hua [9], Pu Gong Ying [10] if there is increasing leucocyte; adding Huang Qi [11] and Dang Gui [12] if the amount of hemoglobin and red cell are below normal; adding Gan Jiang [13], Shu Fu Zi [14] pieces (decoct 1 hour earlier) if there are abdominal pain and cold sensation, cold four limbs; adding Sha Shen [15], Mai Dong if there is abdominal pain, dry mouth and excessive drinking; adding Zhui Ci if there is pain; adding Pu Huang [16], Wu Ling Zhi if there is purplish dark tongue; adding Chai Hu [17], Zhi Shi [18], Xiang Fu [19] if there are dumps, abdominal pain-distention.

Treatment result: total effective rate is 97%.

Key words: Gui Zhi Tang with modification, Postoperative Abdominal Pain

Writer: Xiangjin Zhang
Xin Yuan spinning Co., Ltd hospital, Hejin city, Shanxi province (043300)


  [1] http://opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1746
  [2] http://opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=67
  [3] http://opentcm.com/Article616.html
  [4] http://opentcm.com/Article977.html
  [5] http://opentcm.com/Article953.html
  [6] http://opentcm.com/Article793.html
  [7] http://opentcm.com/Article737.html
  [8] http://opentcm.com/Article954.html
  [9] http://opentcm.com/Article662.html
  [10] http://opentcm.com/Article664.html
  [11] http://opentcm.com/Article949.html
  [12] http://opentcm.com/Article974.html
  [13] http://opentcm.com/Article736.html
  [14] http://opentcm.com/Article735.html
  [15] http://opentcm.com/Article980.html
  [16] http://opentcm.com/Article786.html
  [17] http://opentcm.com/Article637.html
  [18] http://opentcm.com/Article746.html
  [19] http://opentcm.com/Article750.html