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Stomach Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-long extensor muscle of toes-long extensor muscle of great toe-interosseous membrane of leg-posterior tibial muscle.
In the superficial layer, there is the lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf. In the deep layer, there are the branches or tributaries of the anterior tibial artery and vein and the branches of the deep peroneal nerve.

Sitting upright with flexed knees; on the same level of the midpoint of the line connecting DubiST35 (Dubi (ST35)) and apex of the lateral malleolus, two fingers breadth apart from anterior crista of tibia laterally.
Strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm, regulating the stomach and lowering the adverse flow of qi, and relaxing the bowels.

Headache, dizziness and vertigo, cough, asthma, excessive sputum, pain in the chest, constipation, mania, epilepsy, and muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain, swelling or paralysis of the lower extremities.

Combined use with QuchiLI11 (Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point) for treatment of hypertension; with DingchuanEXB1 (EX-B1) for treatment of bronchial asthma; with GuanyuanCV4 (Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine) for treatment of cystitis; with QiuxuGB40 (Qiuxu (GB40) Yuan-Primary Point) for treatment of pain of the chest.

Insert the needle perpendicularly 1.0-1.5 cun deep; needling response: local sensation of distension, radiating towards the foot; moxibustion: using 7-15 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 10-20 min.


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