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Extra Points

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-tendon of deep digital flexor muscke.
The blood vessels in the area of each point are the branches or tributaries of the proper palmar digital artery and vein and the subcutaneous digital vein. The nerve in the area of the point between the thumb and index or between the index and middle fingers is the proper palmar digiral nerve from the median nerve; between the middle and ring fingers is the proper palmar digital nerve from the median nerve for the radial side and form the ulnar nerve for the ulnar side; between the index and little fingers is the proper palmar digtal nerve form the ulnar nerve.

Supinate the palm and stretch the fingers; at the midpoint of stria of proximal interphalangeal articulations of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th finger on palm, 8 points total on two hands.
Promoting digestion, removing food stagnancy, and relieving cough and asthma.

Indications: Malnutrition and indigestion in children, whooping cough, and pain of the finger.

Combined use with NeiguanPC6 (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point) and HeguLI4 (Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point) for treatment of whooping cough; with ZusanliST36 (Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point) for treatment of Diarrhea in children; and with ZhongwanCV12 (Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach), ZhangmenLR13 (Zhangmen (LR13)Front-Mu Point of the Spleen, Influential Point of Zang Organs), PishuBL20 (Pishu (BL20)), WeishuBL21 (Weishu (BL21)), ZusanliST36 (ST36), and GongsunSP4 (Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point) for treatment of infantile malnutrition.

Prick to squeeze out a small amount of yellowish viscous fluid.


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