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Extra Points

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-epicranial aponeurosis-subaponeuroic loose connective tissue.
There are the network anastomosed by the occipital artery and vein, the parietal branches of the superficial temporal artery and vein with the supraorbital artery and vein, and the branches of the greater occipital, auriculotemporal and suraorbital nerves in this area.

Proper sitting with one's back propped; firstly, locate BaihuiGV20(Baihui (GV20)) at the meeting point of the anterior and posterior midian line of head and the line connecting two apex auriculae, 1 cun anterior to , posterior to , left and right on BaihuiGV20(GV20).
Clearning heat from the head and eyes, and promoting resuscitation.
Headache, vertigo, insomnia, poor memory, and epilepsy.

Combined use with TaiyangEXHN5 (EX-HN5) for treatment of headach; and with NeiguanPC6 (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point), TongliHT5 (Tongli (HT5) Luo-Connecting Point), SanyinjiaoSP6 (Sanyinjiao (SP6)), YamenGV15 (Yamen (GV15)), BaihuiGV20 (GV20), YintangEXHN3 (EX-HN3), and TongliHT5 (HT5) for treatment of schizophrenia.

Insert the needle subcutaneously to 0.5-0.8 cun deep; needling response: local distension; moxibustion: using 1-3 moxa-cones.


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