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Urine Bladder Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-erector spinal muscle-2nd posterior sacral foramen.
In the superficial layer, there is the middle clunial nerve. In the deep layer, there are the posterior branches of the 3rd sacral nerve and the lateral sacral artery and vein.

Lie pronely; the midspot between XiaochangshuBL27( Xiaochangshu (BL27)) and the midline of the spine with the tip of the index finger, press the upper side of sacral horn ( the process of round bone as a small soybean ) on the upper side of the coccygeal with the little finger, place the middle and the ring finger between the index and the little finger equidistanly the spot were the tip of middle finger touches is CiliaoBL32(Ciliao (BL32)).
Regulating the function of the lower-jiao, strengthening the loins and knee, and removing obstruction from the channels and collaterals.

Lumbago, lumbosacral arthritis, sciatica, gonarthritis, irregular menstruation, hysteroptosis, endometrial inflammation, pelvic inflammation, leukorrhagia, gonorrhea, orchitis, ovaritis, induced labor, paralysis in the lower limbs, poliomyelitis sequelae, constipation, uroschesis, vomiting, apostaxis. This point is an ordinary use one for the treatment of diseases of urogenital system.

Combined use with SanyinjiaoSP6 (Sanyinjiao (SP6)) for treatment of dysmenorrhea; with GuanyuanCV4 (Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine), ZusanliST36 (Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point) for treatment of sexual impotence, and spermatorrhea; with YinmenBL37 (Yinmen (BL37)) for treatment of lumbosacral neuralgia; and with YongquanKI1 (Yongquan (KI1) Jing-Well Point), ShangqiuSP5 (Shangqiu (SP5) Jing-Well Point) for treatment of sterility.

Insert the needle perpendicularly, 1-1.5 cun deep; needling response: local numbness and distension; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 10 min.


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