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Internal Medicine

Regarding the principle of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in general, the writer deems that the methods include clearing heat and relieving toxicity, expelling wind and resolving dampness, promoting blood circulation and activating collaterals. The basic prescription is self made Xiao Bi decoction (arthralgia dispersing decoction), the ingredients are Shui Zhi, Yan Hu Suo, Dan Shen, Hong Hua, Chuan Shan Jia, Pu Gong Ying, Zi Hua Di Ding, Jin Yin Hua, Niu Bang Zi, Huang Bai, Qin Jiu, Cang Zhu. If there is hyperactivity of heat, raw Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Shi Hu should be added. If there is hyperactivity of damp heat, Yi Yi Ren, Che Qian Cao should be added. If there is a severe pain, prepared Mo Yao, Quan Xie should be added. The external used antirheumatic ointment (the ingredients: prepared Ru Xiang, prepared Mo Yao, Xue Jie, She Xiang, Xi Xin, Huang Bai, Jin Yin Hua, Ma You), cleaning the affected part using 75% ethyl alcohol, pasting on the affected area after it becomes dry, changing a medical prescription 7 days later, 6 times is one treatment course. The above method is for the treatment group. The control group oral takes Fenbid and Lei Gong Teng tablet. Record the clinical symptoms and laboratory test index before treatment and after treatment. Results: for the 202 cases in the treatment group, 124 cases are obviously effective (effective rate is 61.38%), 56 cases are effective (effective rate is 27.72%), 22 cases without effectiveness (10.89%), the total effective rate is 89.1%. As to the 120 cases in the control group, 59 cases have obvious effect (49.16%), 31 cases have effect (25.83%), 30 cases without effect (25%), the total effective rate is 75%. The effect of the treatment group is apparently superior to that of the control group (P< 0.05). Undoubtedly, it indicates that the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis using methods of clearing heat and relieving toxicity, expelling wind and resolving dampness, promoting blood circulation and activating collaterals are effectual.

Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, Traditional Chinese medicine

Writer: ZhenQing Wang, FuLai Shangguan (GB3)
Women and Children’s hospital, Ji Ning city, Shandong province (272000)


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