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The correct association of concept of Zang-Fu and Jing-Luo in relation with modern knowledge of brain could possibly bridge up TCM old thoughts and practicing concerning developmental medicines.

Theory is reinvestigated through mental speculation. Specifically, the knowledge of Zang-Fu could be practiced by projecting Spleen, one of the five dimensions of Zang-Fu theory, to the understanding of brain development. Functions of the four limbs accomplish the work of brain is why we select acupoints in the four limbs where Jing-Luo network is constructed. Thus, spleen is regarded as a zero point of the practice of acupuncture in treating children with brain defects.

Results: With these theories as the base, the author carried out a twenty years practice treating more than 1 000 cases of cerebral palsy as well as developmental problems of children, like autism ADHD, etc., and some of the results has been published in Chinese medical journals.

Conclusion: Under the framework of Zang-Fu and Jing-Luo, spleen is a projector which shapes our actual therapeutic behavior concerning development of brain defected children. And this practice is going to provide a new scope for mutual understandings between knowledge of brain and acupuncture (or TCM) practicing.

Key Words: Spleen, Brain Underdevelopment

Writer: Haibo Yu, Shuzhen Li, Yongfeng Liu, Ning Wang
TCM Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518033, China


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