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Infectious Diseases

1. Prescription for the prevention of HINI
Huang Qi 30g, Jin Yin Hua 15g, Ju Hua 15g, Ban Lan Gen 15g, Guan Zhong 15g, Sang Ye 10g, Gan Cao 6g. One bag per day, make as decoction to drink two to three times per day. It can be used for susceptible population.

2. Treatment Prescription for HINI

a) Toxicity Attacking Lung and Wei
Toast Ma Huang 10g, Xing Ren 10g, Raw Shi Gao 20g, Chai Hu 10g, Huang Qin 10g, Niu Bang Zi 10g, Qiang Huo 15g, Gan Cao 6g. One bag per day, make as decoction to drink two to three times per day.

b) Toxicity Attacking Lung and Stomach
Ge Gen 15g, Huang Qin 10g, Huang Lian 10g, Cang Zhu 10g, Huo Xiang 10g, Ban Xia 10g, Zi Su Ye 10g, Hou Pu 15g, and Jiao Mai Ya, Jiao Shan Zha, Jiao Shen Qu 10g respectively. One bag per day, make as decoction to drink two to three times per day.

c) Toxicity Blocking Qi and Ying
Toast Ma Huang 10g, Chai Hu 15g, Jin Yin Hua 15g, Ju Hua 15g, Lian Qiao 15g, Xing Ren 10g, Gua Lou 10g, Raw Da Huang 10g, Raw Shi Gao 30g, Chi Shao Yao 10g, Gan Cao 6g. One bag per day, make as decoction to drink two to three times per day.

Key words: HINI, Prevention and Treatment

Writer: Shibiao Wang


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