Mr. Huiqing Huang believes that causative factors of dysfunctional uterus bleeding are as following:
1. Blood stasis and heat push blood to circulate out of vessel and cause bleeding.
2. Intermixing of cold and heat with blood stasis disturb menstrual blood.
3. Prolonged loss of blood leads to deficiency of Chong and Ren meridians and kidney qi instability.
4. Anger disturbs liver, then dysfunction of liver to store blood causes bleeding.
5. Over thinking and worry disturb spleen, then dysfunction of spleen to dominate blood causes bleeding.
The key point to diagnose and treat dysfunctional bleeding given by him is to observe color and quality of blood, he classifies this disease into type with blood stasis and type without blood stasis.
He uses Chu Yu Zhi Beng Tang to treat the type with blood stasis:
Wine prepared Dang Gui 9g, Chuan Xiong 15g, Chi Shao Yao 7g, fried Wu Ling Zhi 7g, vinegar prepared Chai Hu 5g, Mo Yao ( remove oil )5g, Ze Lan Ye 6g, Yi Mu Cao 15g, Pu Huang 10g, fried Gan Jiang 2 pieces, Rou Gui 4g.
He uses Jian Pi Zhi Beng Tang to treat type without blood stasis:
Huang Qi 20g, Dang Shen 15g, Bai Zhu 20g, Bai Shao 12g, Sheng Di Huang 18g, Hai Piao Xiao 13g, Xu Duan 13g, Qian Cao 9g, Long Gu 30g, Mu Li 20g, Sang Ji Sheng 15g, Du Zhong 12g.
Key words: dysfunctional uterus bleeding, Clinical Experience
Writer: Cuiying Bai
TCM Department, North Heavy Industry Hospital, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (014033)