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Internal Medicine

Jin Shui Liu Jun Jian comes out from book of “Jing Yue Quan Shu”, it concludes Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Ban Xia, Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang. This prescription can treat spleen-stomach deficiency-cold, the water becomes to phlegm, or elder age with yin deficiency, insufficiency of blood-Qi, wind-cold attacks the body, cough and vomiting, large amount of sputum, acute asthma etc. The writer used this prescription with modification to treat night-cough and get satisfactory effect. Night-cough, it is especially serious before sleep or in the mid-night, mostly it is caused by yin deficiency, blood deficiency. As long as the syndrome differentiation is correct, we use this prescription with modification for the treatment, excellent effect can be achieved.

Key words:  Jin Shui Liu Jun Jian, herbal treatment, Night-cough

Writer: Xuzhi Wang
Si Mao city TCM hospital, Yunnan province (665000)


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