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Internal Medicine

Through long-term clinical experience, Dr. Chen advocates that the key points of syndrome differentiation of damp-heat obstructing occurring interior are: greasy taste in mouth, bitter taste in mouth, poor appetite, fullness sensation in abdomen, vomiting and nausea, Diarrhea, or discomfort after diarrhea, red tongue with yellow greasy coating, wiry pulse or soggy pulse. Treatment characteristics:

1. Bitter warm and bitter cold using synchronously, bitter warm is applied emphatically.
2. First cautious, second prohibiting: “first cautious” is to use sweet warm method carefully. “Second prohibiting” includes: number one, prohibiting powerful tonification, if the damp-heat dose not disappear, using Fu Zi, Rou Gui, Ren Shen, Lu Rong etc which have function of  powerful pungent and heat, great warm and tonification, the heat may change to fire, fire to toxicity, the fire-toxicity would cause frightful consequences; number two, the root of the disease is spleen deficiency, it can not endure attacking.
3. Trilogy: (1) Expelling "branch": the prescription must be bitter-warm and bitter-cold in order to eliminate the "branch" of damp-heat, in clinic, we usually apply Bu Huan Jin Zheng San with modification, enjoining the patients do not reinforce and take sweet. (2) Recovering the “root” preventing “branch”: we should use sweet-warm to promote qi and tonifying spleen in order to recover the transference of spleen, however, the damp is viscous and continued, we should add herbs with function of moving Qi and resolving damp to avoid damp occur again. (3)  Consolidating “root”: strengthening the spleen, enjoining the patients to take Bu Zhong Yi Qi Pill or Xiang Sha Liu Jun Pill generally for consolidation.
4. Do not forget soothing liver and regulating Qi.

Key words: Herbal treatment, Liver Stasis and Spleen Deficiency, Damp-heat Obstructing Interior, experience.

Writer: Haisong Jiang
Zhe Jiang TCM university (310053)


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