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Internal Medicine

(5) Liver stasis and blood deficiency: basic symptoms include hidden pain in costal regions, headache, dizziness, dry mouth and throat, fatigue and poor appetite, pale red tongue, wiry thready pulse; treatment method: soothing liver, relieving stasis, tonifying spleen, nourishing blood; prescription: Xiao Yao San with modification.
(6) Heart spleen deficiency: primary symptoms include: severe palpitation, poor memory, dreaminess, spermatorrhea, fever and weakness, dark complexion, pale tongue with thin coating, thready and weak pulse; treatment method: promoting qi and nourishing blood, tonifying spleen and benefiting heart; prescription: Gui Pi Tang with modification.

Conducting syndrome differentiation according to patients’ subjective response and objective examination, based on the symptoms of sub-health condition, Chinese medicine considers there are both “syndrome (Zheng)” and “disease”, it is not the so-called “the intermediate zone” or “the intermediate situation” between health and disease in west medicine.

Key words: TCM (Chinese Medicine), subhealth, cognition

Writer: Mingxing Peng
Bao Shan city TCM high medical school, Yun Nan province (678000)


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