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Shang Han Lun

Line 390
“When the vomiting has ceased and the Diarrhea has stopped, but there is sweating and reversal, unresolved hypertoncicity of the limbs, and a pulse that is faint and verging on expiry, Tong Mai Si Ni Jia Zhu Dan Zhi Tang governs.

Tong Mai Si Ni Jia Zhu Dan Zhi Tang

Gan Cao 2 Liang
Gan Jiang 3-4 Liang
Fu Zi 1 Large Pc (Raw, Remove Skin, Break into Eight Pcs)
Zhu Dan Zhi  half He

For the four ingredients above, use three sheng of water.  Boil the first three ingredients to get one sheng two ge, and remove the dregs.  Add Zhu Dan Zhi.  Divide into 2 parts, and take warm twice a day.  The pulse will then return, if there is no Zhu Dan (Pig’s GB), Yang Dan (Goat’s GB) can be substituted.”

Line 391
“When there is vomiting and diarrhea and sweating is promoted, the pulse is calm, and there is mild vexation because of the new vacuity, the body cannot overcome Grain Qi.”

Key Words: Sudden Turmoil


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