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“When in cold damage, the pulse is faint and rough, originally there was sudden turmoil and now there is cold damage. However at four or five days, the evil is preceding to the yin channels and when it shifts into the yin channels there will be Diarrhea. The original pattern with retching and diarrhea cannot be treated. When it seems there is about to be defecation but instead there is fecal qi and still no diarrhea, this belongs to yang ming. The stool will be hard and there will be recovery in thirteen days. Why this is so is because the evil has gone through the channel. After diarrhea, there should be hard stool. When the patient has hard stool, and is able to eat, he/ she will recover. But in the present case, the person is unable to eat. After reaching the next channel, the person is to some extent able to eat. Passing through one more channel, the person is able to eat. The day of passage there should be recovery. If there is no recovery, the pattern did not belong to yang ming.â€
Key Words: Sudden Turmoil