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Shang Han Lun

Line 345
“When in cold damage there is fever, severe Diarrhea, and incessant reversal, the person will die.”

Line 346
“When in cold damage that has lasted for six or seven days, diarrhea is absent, and then there is fever, diarrhea, and the person is sweating incessantly, there will be death because there is yin without yang.”

Line 362
“When there is diarrhea, reversal cold of the extremities, and absent pulse, use moxabustion.  In cases where the limbs are not warm, if the pulse is not returning, but there is mil panting, the person will die.  If the lesser yin pulse, is less than the instep yang pulse it means a favorable outcome.”

Key Words: Reverting Yin Disease, Prognosis


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