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Shang Han Lun

Line 374
“When there is Diarrhea with delirious speech, there is dry stool; therefore Xiao Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Line 375
“When after diarrhea, the person is more vexed and there is sogginess below the heart when pressed, this indicates vacuity vexation; therefore Zhi Zi Chi Tang is appropriate.”

Line 366
“When there is diarrhea, the pulse is sunken and slow, the person’s face is slightly red and there is mild generalized heat and clear-food diarrhea, there will be depression veiling [ Visual field goes black, and can’t see accompanied by Vexation & Oppression], Sweating, and resolution, and the person will have mild reversal.  Why this is so is because this facial color means upcast yang and there is lower body vacuity.”

Key Words: Identification of Diarrhea Patterns


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