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Shang Han Lun

Other Reversal Patterns
Line 355
“When the patient has reversal cold of the extremities and the pulse is suddenly tight, the evil is bound in the chest.  Fullness below the heart, vexation, and hunger with inability to eat means that the disease is in the chest and one should use vomiting; therefore, Gua Di San is appropriate.”

Water Reversal
Line 356
“When in cold damage there is reversal and palpitations below the heart, it is appropriate to first treat the water.  One should take Fu Ling Gan Cao Tang which will then treat reversal.  If not treated in that way, the water will soak into the ST and there will be Diarrhea.”
 Contraindications for the Treatment of Reversal Patterns
Line 330
“In all counter flow cold reversal patterns, one cannot use purging; in vacuity patterns this is also the case.”
Line 347
“When in cold damage that has lasted for five or six days, chest bind is absent, the abdomen is soggy [feels soft when palpated], the pulse is vacuous, and then there is reversal, one cannot purge because this is blood collapse, and purging will cause death.”

Key Words: Identification of Reversal Patterns, Water Reversal


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