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Shang Han Lun

Differentiation of Overcoming or Relapse in Reversal Heat Patterns

Line 341
“When in cold damage, there is fever for four days, but then reversal for three days, then again heat for four days, this is less reversal and more heat, and a person with this disease should recover.  In four days to seven days, if the heat is not eliminated, pus and blood will appear in the stool.”

Line 332
“In this case at the onset of cold damage, there is fever for six days, but then reversal and Diarrhea, for nine days.  In all cases of reversal and diarrhea, there should be inability to eat; but today the Px is able to eat and one fears this is an indication of eliminated center [sign that the ST Qi is about to expire completely].  If one feeds the person string noodles and fever is absent, one knows the ST qi is still present and there will be recovery.  There is fear that sudden heat will come and then go again.  The next day, if one investigates and the heat is still present, expect recovery at midnight of the next day.  Why this is so, is because originally there was fever for six days, then, instead, reversal for nine days, then again fever for three days.  Together with the previous six days, this is nine days of fever, which corresponds to the nine days of reversal.  Thus, expect recovery at midnight the next day.  After three days, if one investigates and the pulse is rapid, the heat has not ceased and this means heat qi is superabundant and a suppurating welling-abscess will erupt.”

Key Words: Basic Reverting Yin Disease Patterns, Differentiation of Overcoming or Relapse in Reversal Heat Patterns


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