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Shang Han Lun

Line 287
“When in lesser yin disease the pulse is tight, and at seven or eight days there is spontaneous Diarrhea and the pulse suddenly becomes faint, but the extremities are warm and the tightness in the pulse ceases, it means that the disease is about to resolve and although there is vexation and diarrhea, the person will spontaneously recover.”

Line 288
“In lesser yin disease with  diarrhea, if the diarrhea spontaneously ceases, and there is aversion to cold, a curled up lying posture, and the extremities are warm, this can be treated.”

Line 289
“When in lesser yin disease there is aversion to cold, a curled up lying posture, periodic spontaneous vexation, and the person desires to remove the clothes and bedclothes, this can be treated.”

Key Words: Lesser Yin Disease Prognosis


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