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Shang Han Lun

Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns

Line 147
“When cold damage has lasted five or six days, and sweating has been promoted and then purging has-been used and there is fullness in the chest and rib-side and mild bind, inhibited urination, thirst with out retching, sweating only from the head, alternating aversion to cold and fever, and heart vexation, it means that the disease has not yet resolved; therefore Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang governs.
     For the above four ingredients use one dou two sheng of water.  Boil to get six sheng.  Remove the dregs and boil again to get three sheng.  Take one sheng warm, three times per day.  When the decoction is first taken, if there is mild vexation, take it again; when the patient sweats, he will recover.”

Key Words: Basic Shaoyang Disease Patterns, Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns


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