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Shang Han Lun

haoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns
Line 267
“If after vomiting, purging, promotion of sweating, or warm needling, there is delirious speech, and the Xiao Chai HuTang pattern ceases, this means this is an aggravated disease; therefore one should be aware of what error one has committed, be aware of what adverse treatment  has-been given, and use the appropriate method to treat it.”

Line 146
“When in cold damage that has lasted for 6 or 7 days, there is fever, mild aversion to cold, vexing pain of the limb joints, mild retching, propping bind below the heart, and the exterior  pattern is still present, Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang governs.

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang

Gui Zhi (remove Bark)
Huang Qin 1.5 Liang
Ren Shen 1.5 Liang
Gan Cao 1 Liang
Ban Xia 2.5 ge (washed)
Bai Shao1.5 Liang
Da Zao 6 pcs (broken)
Sheng Jiang 1.5 Liang (cut)
Chai Hu4 Liang”

Key Words: Basic Shaoyang Disease Patterns, Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns


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