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Shang Han Lun

Xiao Chai Hu Tang Patterns

Line 97
“When the blood is weak and the qi is exhausted, the interstices are open, and because evil qi enters the body and contends with the right qi, there is binding under the rib-side.  The right and evil struggle by turns, so there is alternating aversion to cold and fever that stops and starts periodically, and taciturnity with no desire for food or drink.  The viscera and bowels are interconnected, and so the pain is low down, hence there is retching, and Xiao Chai Hu Tang governs.  When after taking Xiao Chai Hu Tang there is thirst, this belongs to Yang ming and one should use the appropriate method to treat it.”

Line 266
“When originally there was Tai Yang disease that was unresolved and thereby shifted into the Shaoyang, there is hardness and fullness under the rib-side, dry retching and inability to eat, and alternating aversion to cold and fever.  When neither vomiting treatment nor purging has yet been used and the pulse is sunken and tight, one should give Xiao Chai Hu Tang.”

Key Words: Basic Shaoyang Disease Patterns, Xiao Chai Hu Tang Patterns


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